Harrogate's Phoenix Players host launch night for next production - how to get involved

Actors wanted - "Our philosophy is ‘if there’s room on the stage, there’s room in the Phoenix Players."Actors wanted - "Our philosophy is ‘if there’s room on the stage, there’s room in the Phoenix Players."
Actors wanted - "Our philosophy is ‘if there’s room on the stage, there’s room in the Phoenix Players."
The Harrogate Phoenix Players are ringing the bells with excitement about their next production – The Hunchback of Notre Dame – and another first for the company as it premieres the musical at Harrogate Theatre in March.

Based on Victor Hugo's novel and featuring the award-winning musical score from the Disney animated film with songs by Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz, the story is widely known.

Quasimodo, the deformed and deaf bell-ringer of Notre Dame is reviled and ridiculed by society. He is befriended by beautiful Romany girl Esmeralda who is shunned and perceived as dishonest and wicked.

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Meanwhile, Quasimodo's guardian, the Archdeacon Frollo, a pillar of the church, wrestles with his own demons. When revising the score Schwartz said: “I liked the underlying themes of social outcasts and the worth of people being different than what society sees on the surface.”

It is a story that challenges prejudice and promotes inclusivity and it is this that drew the Phoenix Players to the musical.

A spokesman for the Players said: “Of course we always aim to put on the highest standard of show but this is not the West End; this is community theatre which means embracing anyone and everyone who wants to take part.

"Enthusiasm and commitment are the most important qualities we are looking for and with a large cast of principal roles, peasants, Romanies and priests plus a full-scale choir we are hoping to attract a lot of new members."Our philosophy is ‘if there’s room on the stage, there’s room in the Phoenix Players.”

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Whether you're an experienced performer or completely new to musical theatre you will be welcome at the launch night on at St. Robert’s Catholic Club, Robert Street, Harrogate , on Wednesday August 30 at 8pm.

Or to register your interest contact [email protected]

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is on at Harrogate Theatre on Wednesday March 20 to Saturday March 24.