This is how to create a truly 'green' Harrogate says Green Party

Harrogate and District Green Party's chair Shan Oakes believes, although climate change is a battle for us all, the public should not be doing all the heavy lifting.Harrogate and District Green Party's chair Shan Oakes believes, although climate change is a battle for us all, the public should not be doing all the heavy lifting.
Harrogate and District Green Party's chair Shan Oakes believes, although climate change is a battle for us all, the public should not be doing all the heavy lifting.
Harrogate and District Green Party believe there is “huge public momentum” on green issues but that the culture of local authority decision-making needs to change rapidly if the district is to meet its carbon emissions targets.

Its chair Shan Oakes said: “We see the planners’ refusal for Harrogate Spring Water’s destruction of Rotary Wood as a clear move in a green direction. There was huge public momentum, driven by local groups in Harrogate.

“Moving forward this is more of what we want to see.

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“A really green town would have excellent public consultation and look for ways to excel in making the area clean, healthy and welcoming to wildlife.

"For example, we could be doing far more with the Stray in terms of biodiversity - and this needs a consultation to itself.”

Harrogate Greens believe, although climate change is a battle for us all, the public should not be doing all the heavy lifting.

Shan Oakes said: “There has been a lot achieved and Harrogate is growing as a green town. However much of that work is down to the community-led groups such as Long Lands Common, the Pinewoods Conservation Group, Zero Carbon Harrogate and Extinction Rebellion Harrogate, to name a few.

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“We hope to see the council match the work the community does, whilst working with them and not at odds with them for the green future we all need.

“The culture of the council needs to adapt fast if we are to be a green town and district.

“There seems to be no assertive planning guidance when new builds are designed to ensure wildlife is protected and energy conserved and harvested.”

Meanwhile, Harlow Greens recently launched their own survey of residents in their area to boost local bus use.

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Rebecca Maunder, Harlow Greens campaigner, says they want to know if bus services currently meet residents’ needs, if not, why not and if there is anything that would encourage them to do so.

Find the survey at Harlow Greens Facebook page

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